Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Notre Dame High School Class of '74 Pirates! ARRR.

So this was a little project my mom asked me to do for her High School Class. They wanted a womanly, cute-yet-strong, pirate lady and this is what I came up with. I'm actually pretty happy with the way it turned out. I might fix up some minor things, but for the most part this was my first successful project painting digitally. I have to do this more in the summer for sure!

Preliminary sketches.
Final drawing! 
Scanned, outlined, colored, and watermarked! 

My mom has yet to show this to the rest of her graduating class. Hopefully they like it as much as I do!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Venonat for Rare Candy

Hey guys!

Since my blog is linked to the "Rare Candy: A Pokemon Gallery and Charity Auction" doodlebender website, here's a look at my progress for the Venonat piece I created. One of the most fun side projects ever! I didn't watch Pokemon much as a kid, OR play the games (I know, for shame...) but I did collect the cards!

Even so, doing this project made me think of fun times as a kid, just sitting on the curb trading Pokemon cards and doing all of the fun things kids do. What's so great about this project is that I know our donations to Canines for Disabled Kids will help the children in need make their own fun memories with their awesome service dogs!

1. Started off with PrismaColor Pen, tracing over pencil.
2. Background first! Experimented with splattering technique (using watercolor).
3. Painted in the rest with watercolor.
Close-up of the finished product. 
Here it is at the gallery, surrounded by other awesome PokeArt!

Fall 2012 Portfolio Review

Here's the portfolio that got me into the Animation/Illustration program at SJSU. Definitely long overdue...